Sunday, May 17, 2015

2 glasses of orange juice a day Increase Elderly brain power

Welcome - When age began to go, a lot of people are having problems senile. However, with the way this one, the elderly can increase the power of his brain is included to improve memory.

Yes, only by consuming orange juice on a regular basis, a significant improvement on the brain can be seen in less than two months.

As reported by the Daily Mail, this page is a "research that has been tested.

The scientists put the results into chemicals called flavonoids--naturally occurring substances at high levels in orange.

2 glasses of orange juice a day Increase Elderly brain power
Orange juice

Drink orange juice every day can increase brain power also improve memory in the elderly.

This research has been tested by the test participants in the consumption of orange juice. They involved is 24 women and 13 men aged 60-81 years who researched to see significant improvements in brain function after drinking nearly a pint of juice every day for eight weeks.

Flavonoids are said to be extremely beneficial to improving memory through the activation of the signal path in the hippocampus, the part of the brain associated with learning and storing information.

A team of researchers from the University of Reading ask healthy volunteers consuming 37 500 ml or about two glasses, or nearly half a litre of orange juice every day for eight weeks.

Memory, reaction time and verbal fluency test participants were measured at the beginning and end of the experiment, and each participant was given an overall score.

The study results were obtained with the sign they were able to improve memory by 8 percent. These results can be felt in less than two months.

The researchers say they do not always recommend the elderly to drink a quart of orange juice per day. However, there is no harm in combining with orange juice and other healthy foods every day. So, this is a cheap and easy way to improve the health of the brain.

Study author psychologist Dr. Daniel Lamport, from school Reading, "the population is aging rapidly around the world. It is estimated that the number of people aged 60 or over can be tripled in the year 2100. "

"It was important, therefore, To improve cognitive function in old age," continued Lamport/

Nutrition coach also revealed about why what makes an orange can became a super food.

Although a lot of fruit and vegetables, tea, cocoa and red wine that is known to contain flavonoids, but the Orange contains flavonoids, a type called flavanon that is very useful is the most easily absorbed.

Previous studies have also highlighted the potential impact of flavonoids, but this is the first to examine the role that found in oranges.

"This is not just because orange juice is the most commonly consumed beverage worldwide. Orange juice is also a rich source of flavanon, "wrote Dr. Lamport in the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "In addition, flavanon is one of the most easily absorbed flavonoids."

This strengthens the evidence that foods rich in flavonoids could play a big role in tackling declining cognition in old age.

However, other nutritionists warn that drinking orange juice in large quantities can cause weight gain as they contain high sugar levels.

Sian Porter, a spokeswoman for the British Dietetic Association, added, "fruit juice does contain sugar and calorie-free. If you are going to drink fruit juice, try doing it on time to eat because it's better for your health. " (viva)

2 glasses of orange juice a day Increase Elderly brain power Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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